RidgeWood West, a new development nestled in the heart of Charleswood, is full of new possibilities when it comes to the setting of this community. From the wetlands vistas to the graceful grasses being incorporated into this neighbourhood, residents have a say in the landscaping of their properties. Planting trees in RidgeWood West reflects the surroundings of Charleswood. Trees not only are a wonderful addition to the environment nature-wise, but they’re appealing and can increase property value.
Yet, the sad truth is that many trees don’t get to reach their full potential of growth and beauty due to poor planting or care, uncontrolled insects and pest damage, and harmful diseases like Dutch Elm.
As a result, Trees Winnipeg – a non-profit organization – and The City of Winnipeg have collaborated to bring the Winnipeg Releaf Prorgam to residents of neighbourhoods in Winnipeg supported by TD friends of the Environment Foundation, a TD Bank organization that awards grants to multiple Canadian communities. The role of this program is to encourage homeowners to plant trees on their property as a hope of renewal to Canadian neighbourhoods, providing training on the “Right Tree Right Place” approach and teaching planting techniques that will ensure survival of the newly planted trees.
Consider these questions when planting trees
Many trees have the potential to outlive those who plant them, so remember that your decision will impact the environment for a lifetime. Ask yourself the following questions when planting trees on your property: What kind of tree do I want to have? What kind of wildlife do I want to attract? Will I be planting other vegetation or trees that could affect the growth of this tree I’m planting? Will this tree cause too much shading? Will this tree overhang into neighbouring yards? What are the soil conditions of this area? What is the climate of this area? These are all questions you can discuss with your neighbours, and considering the following factors will guide you to choosing the right tree.
The ReLeaf Tree Program
The ReLeaf Tree Program will be holding a tree planting workshop in September where attendees will be given instruction on how to plant and care for trees for long term. Each person will have the option to choose between varying tree packages that are equipped with trees, mulch, rabbit guards, and tree care resources. Valued at a modest price of $55, residents now have the essential tools to plant trees in the healthiest way possible.
If you are interested in applying for The Winnipeg ReLeaf Program and would like to attend a workshop, please apply on or before September 1, as the due date is fast approaching!
How does the Winnipeg Releaf Program work?
- Choose your favourite tree collections (with a maximum of four collections) to plant. Not sure what trees to plant will suit your yard best? Visit Manitoba Hydro “Right Tree Right Place” and Trees are Good: Tree Selection and Placement
- Fill out your contact information and send your payment form and payment information to Trees Winnipeg by the deadline – September 1.
- Once Trees Winnipeg receives your order form they will call/email you with an invitation to choose a preferred Tree Planting Workshop session.
- Workshops are offered the last two weeks of September, and all must attend to receive package.
- Learn about your tree package at the workshop, and take it home with you.
The Winnipeg ReLeaf Program applications can be dropped off in person from 8 am - 4:30 pm at Insect Control and Forestry Branch offices at 1539 Waverley Street, or scanned and emailed to office@treeswinnipeg.org.
Trees Winnipeg ReLeaf Program
1539 Waverley Street
Winnipeg, MB R3T 4V7
e: office@treeswinnipeg.org
t: (204) 832-7188 (or text)